Archive for November 2009


November 2, 2009

Welcome to the Blog site of GreyKnight Miniatures. We are a very small group of people that love all things about table top war gaming.

We play and sell a wide range of products. Ranging from Blood Bowl, Wings of war and even Flames of War [10mm].

Currently we do not have any stock holding but do Special Orders for our customers.We do orders every 3-4 weeks so if your keen to get some minis to add to your collection or even just to satisfy your addiction then drop us an email with any questions or orders you may want. [Greyknight Miniatures]

We have also set up a forum board Wargamesnz for local and overseas players to find out more about their hobbies, find other players, or just brag about their latest game.


Impact Miniatures: Fantasy Grid Iron players and Teams.

Pendraken Miniatures: 10mm WWII micro armour and infantry. Great to use for Flames of War, BLitzkrieg, or any other type of WWII game.

Spartan Games: Uncharted Seas Fantasy based Naval game, 7 races to choose from. Or try out their new game Firestorm Armada futuristic space game where you have fleets of space craft. [Coming Soon]

Fantasy Flight Games: Wings of War is an ariel combat game set in WWI [1/144th scale] or WWII[1/200th scale]. Use either carded versions of the planes or the pre-painted scaled models.

Privateer Press: Grind its a new and exciting Grid Iron game with giant armoured Steamjacks from the Warmachine world. Push a large ball around and score before your opponents Steamjacks do. Customizable Steamjacks add different flavour and variety to the game.


